There are many border crossings between Georgia and Armenia. Akhaltsikhe is located very close to Armenian border and it is a perfect starting point to visit cave-city Vardzia. There are marchrutkas to Armenian city Gymuri or Yerevan at bus station in Akhaltsikhe. We went to Gyumri. The ticket cost 10 lari and the trip last ca 5 hours, including border control procedure.

We spent in Gyumri a few hours. We exchanged money, had late but delicious breakfast. During breakfast we talked to local people about the devastated earthquake in 1988. Freedom Square is the center of the city. We visited Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God, built with black stones. Surp Amenaprkich is on the other site of the square. The surp was renovated in June 2019.
We left Gumuri and went to Vanadzor (800 DRAM). Vanadzor was only transfer city for us. Final destination was Alavardi.

Alaverdi is an ugly city in beautiful Debed Canyon. Old City Hotel, the best one and the only one hotel in the city, is our accommodation. Double room with bathroom and breakfast cost 13k DRAM. The hotel was really good and comfortable but the city is very unattractive.

Alaverdi used to be the city of miners. Copper mine has been founded in 18th century next to the city. A few years ago the mine was closed and a lot of people lost their jobs. Alavardi has deteriorated since mine bankruptcy. Alaverdi is a very sad city:
- unemployment rate is huge,
- blocks of apartments need to be renovated,
- no tourist infrastructure,
- young people emigrate to Russia or the Yerevan,
- older generation recalls with nostalgia CCCP times.

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