Money, Money
Ethiopians attitudes to foreigners:
Unfortunately, most of Ethiopians treat tourists as ATM. Most tourists give away a lot of money, pens, copybooks, sweets. It doesn’t matter how many items are given away. It is always not enough and you will be asked for more and money. Sometimes tourists are called ‘money’ by children and it shows Ethiopians approach to travellers.
Go away. Some Ethiopians don’t accept foreigners at all. Ferengi are not welcomed.
Some, not many, people are keen to meet travelers, chat with them.

AK47 in buses
Weapon possession is not allowed in Ethiopia. The law is not obeyed in remote territories, e.g. Omo Valley. Many people have Kalashnikov rifle. They travel in a bus, do shopping in a market, walk on the street with guns.

Sweets in the Omo Valley
Ethiopia is a poor country. Many parents don’t have enough money to provide children with pens, copybooks, books or sweets. You can take copybooks, sweets, pens to give them away in remote parts of Ethiopia. Don’t take mint sweets. Children don’t like them. The favorite one is toffee. It doesn’t matter how much sweets, pens etc you take with you. It won’t be enough. Horde of children will follow you asking for more. Don’t give money away, it makes local people think that you are ATM.

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