- The currency of Guatemala is the Quetzal. Exchange rates in 2024
- 1USD=Q7.8;
- 1 Euro=Q8.4;
- 1Zl=Q2.0
- The Guatemalan authorities have introduced the Electronic Travel Declaration, which must be completed online before arriving in the country. The form and instructions are available at https://portal.sat.gob.gt/
- Accommodation prices ranged from $20 to $40 in 2024, with the most expensive being in Antigua. It can be difficult to find accommodation on weekends and public holidays in Antigua and on the Pacific coast.
- Meals in local restaurants range from Q$25-Q$35 for breakfast and Q$60-Q$90 for lunch.
- Safety. Guatemala, like other Central American countries, is not safe. It is easy to become a victim of robbery or pickpocketing. Avoid walking in dangerous areas. It is best to return to your hotel before dark. Keep money and other valuables in more than one place.
- Tickets to attractions were almost 10 times more expensive for foreigners than for locals. The standard price for foreigners was around Q40.
- Consider a 1 or 2 day trip to Copan, Honduras while visiting Guatemala: https://en.orbhike.net/copan-in-honduras/
- Tikal – Guatemala’s greatest attraction. It takes 2-3 days to see all the monuments of the Mayan civilization that Tikal has to offer.
- Lake Atitlan – San Marcos and San Pedro – the most popular destinations for overnight stays.
- Pacaya Volcano. Trekking to the volcano is easy, but you won’t see the hot flowing lava anymore.

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