We left a hotel and went to Jett bus station by taxi (3JD) in Amman. Comfortable coach departure from the station at 6.30 am We bought tickets one day before the departure at the station. It cost 11 JD. The way to Petra took about 4 hours, and the ticket costs 11 JD. We bought the ticket two days earlier to avoid selling out.
There are two accommodation sectors nearby Petra – ancient city. First sector. Hotels are located very close to the entrance to ancient city. The standard of the hotels is good. Double room with bathroom and breakfast cost 75 JD and more.

Wadi Musa is the second sector of the hotels. The town is located a few kilometers from the entrance to Petra. The hotels are cheaper and the standard is not as good as accommodation at first sector. Double room with continental breakfast in Valentine Inn was our accommodation. It cost 29 JD per night. Free of charge transport to/from Petra was the advantage of the Inn.
We bought Jordan Pass with two days entrance to Petra. We spent in the ancient city a few hours at first day. When I reached the end of Siq (narrow gorge) I was like Indiana Jones (Last Crusade) for a moment. The view on Treasure was awesome.
We spent in Petra all next day. I think you manged to visit the most interesting attractions in Petra at full day. This is a list of the most significant attractions of the ancient city:
- Siq
- Treasure – the most famous attraction. You can watch it in Last Crusade – Indiana Jones movie. When you reach it turn on the left. You will be caught by young men to guide to view point. Say ‘yes’ to the offer and bargaining for a price. We paid 5 JD. The guide will assist you to climb to the top of the cliff. The view is splendid. At the top of cliff buy a cup of tea (1 JD) and enjoy the view. If you don’t buy a tea you will have to pay 1 JD for a view anyway. The sun light is the best to take a pictures at 11-12 am Don’t try to climb the of cliff on your own, it is ease to lose the trail. It can be dangerous.
- Nabatean Theatre
- Tombs
- Byzantine Church
- Winged Lion Temple
- Monasteries. There is a restaurant on the way to the Monastery. Have a lunch there. It is a long way up to Monastery.
- Temple of Dushares
- The Great Temple
- Nabatean Theatre

You can find a map and route to the attractions mentioned above:
There are toilets, benches, souvenirs stalls at the ancient city complex. Enjoy you time, it is a magnificent site.
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